Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fruit and nuts

California's finally back to its usual self so we natives can breathe a sigh of relief.  Jerry Brown is governor again, the outgoing movie star governor admits to fathering a "love child" and some San Franciscans have taken the initiative process to a new low.

Who can believe that Jerry Brown is governor again? It's not necessarily a bad thing, that's yet to be determined.  Unfortunately he looks like a lot of us look now, older, less hair, and needing little things removed from our California skin.  He really shows our age.

And Arnold, there's got to be some space for the governator.  The media is calling his 5th child a "love child".  Have you seen the mother? I think it's more like an "oops, I had too much to drink child". Catty, but true especially when you consider that he could have had Maria Shriver instead. He's been a sleaze from the very beginning and I'll bet Maria is kicking herself for being such a schmuck and standing by while he's groped his way through Hollywood and beyond.

Who or what can beat San Francisco, the city that's stranger than fiction?  Somehow, a group that calls itself, "intactivists" managed to get 12,000 signatures (outside Wal-Mart no doubt) to put an initiative on the ballot making it illegal to circumcise boys/men under 18 years of age. Are they serious? Yes they are, but what they don't seem to understand is that even a new law can't restore what urologists and rabbis have put asunder.  They need therapy not a new law. Of course this initiative, were it to pass, is unconstitutional as it violates religious freedoms as well as common sense.

So, welcome back California, you're still the land of fruits and nuts!

1 comment:

  1. Wait a minute! Fruits and Nuts? No, No No….
    California is merely a forward thinking place to live & work. Everyone eventually follows California don’t they? Some of our progressive laws that everyone will soon want include:

    Requiring vehicle headlights to be on if windshield wiper are working.

    Prohibiting having many animals as pets including sloths, elephants & SNAILS.

    Making it illegal for any vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour.

    Prohibiting women from driving in a house coat.

    It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.

    And finally, sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.

    Is this a great place or what?
